
On 2016-11-24 I began an effort to learn to enjoy news reports. I'll be updating this post throughout the remainder of November with whatever stories I judge to be something other than ... gosh, I don't know a word that's hateful enough to describe most news reports. Epistemic poison? I probably won't be linking the original articles, because the original articles are seriously not worth sharing beyond the summaries that I'm providing here. Have I mentioned that I do not yet like news reports?

The Economist: Syrian government bombs rebels.
CNN: Japan and South Korea are now sharing military intelligence.
Bloomberg: The Philippine economy is doing poorly.
Bloomberg: In an effort to account for untaxed black market money, the Indian Government demonitizes its largest bank notes and issues a new series of bank notes which can be exchanged for the old ones.

The Guardian: Hurricanes continue to exist in the tropics.
The Guardian: There's a big fire in Haifa, Israel's third-largest city.
The Guardian: Peace negotiations between the Colombian government and FARC, a revolutionary socialist guerilla force, which have been in progress since 2012 are still in progress.
The Guardian: Thousands of Rohingya Muslim refugees fleeing oppressive social conditions in Myanmar since 2015 continue to exist.
NY Times: People continue to kill and die in the Iraqi civil war.

That's it so far. Maybe I should make a list of all the sites that I looked at in order to show how very many fail to host a single story of greater merit than "A person said that they wouldn't like it if a thing happened that wasn't in their interest".

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