Pragmatic evidential semantic speech attitudes or something

There are more possible relationships between the content of your speech and your meaning than "serious" and "sarcastic".

  1. I believe what I'm saying.
  2. I kind of believe what I'm saying.
  3. I said a thing that I believe in an unusual way so that you would understand how sincerely I believe it.
  4. I would be surprised if what I was saying was mostly right, but we have to start with something if we are to compose a productive theory.
  5. Some part of me believes what I'm saying, but I don't endorse that.
  6. Some part of me doesn't believe what I'm saying, but I don't endorse that.
  7. I believed what I was saying as I was saying it, but then I totally remembered or figured out that it was all wrong.
  8. I don't really mean any of what I'm saying, but I'm saying it because of some impulse.
  9. I don't strongly believe what I'm saying, but I'm still saying it because it's (funny | hurtful | interesting | a prank, mate | shit-posting | so random hahaha | expected of me | habitual | what someone else said | useful | phatic | ... ).
  10. What I'm saying is literally true, but I don't mean all of the connotations that you're reading from it.
  11. What I'm saying is literally false, but I meant the connotations that you're reading from it.
  12. I don't know how to say a thing that I would mean, but what I'm saying gets close to the issue.
  13. I know what I would like to say, but I'm saying something slightly wrong for sake of brevity.
  14. I know what I would like to say, but I'm saying it with lots of indirection because you wouldn't respond well.
  15. I'm not resolved yet as to whether I believe what I'm saying, but I will believe if someone finds a laudable reading of it or if lots of people seem to like it.
  16. The state of affairs became true because I declared it.
  17. What I'm saying is unrelated to my beliefs.
  18. I thought I didn't believe the thing as I was saying it, but I have now been convinced by hearing my articulate argument aloud.
  19. I believe what I'm saying, but not quite so much that I want to defend it while some asshole on twitter picks it apart.
  20. I meant multiple readings of what I said, to different degrees toward different audiences, but I wouldn't normally try to simultaneously independently steer the beliefs of multiple audiences unless I were showing off to yet another audience.
  21. I said the thing precisely because I thought you wouldn't know what it meant or if it meant something.
  22. What I'm saying doesn't mean anything.
  23. I meant the opposite of what I said, you butt.

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