Why Do I Feel A Little Bit Morally Opposed To Video Games?

Observation: People who like video games more seem worse than people who like video games less. Why? Here are some things which could explain the apparent trend.

  1. Video games appeal to bad people.
  2. Playing video games makes people worse.
  3. Playing video games doesn't make people worse, but it funges against becoming better, so people who play video games gradually fall behind.


  4. Playing video games makes people a little bit better therapeutically, but video games are mainly sought out by bad people (trying to improve) and that imbalance isn't fully offset by the improvement. Like Simpson's paradox. And maybe games are primarily played by people who start out bad because playing them is unpleasant or costly, like how it's mainly sick people who take unpleasant costly medications.
  5. Bad people like video games and good people don't, but this happens for a mysterious reason that has nothing to do with whether video games are good, which they are.
  6. Some people have lots of norms, of which some are good and some are neutral. Lacking norms is upstream both of being bad and of playing video games. 


  7. Video games are good and liking them is shameful for some reason. Lack of shame is upstream both of being bad and of talking about liking video games. 


  8. Good and bad people like video games the same amount, but it's mostly {the bad people who don't fully endorse being bad} who talk about liking and playing video games because they have fewer activities and preferences to talk about which aren't bad. This imbalance gets exaggerated when good people see that moderately bad people talk about video games and then avoid the topic or activity out of reputational interest. 


  9. The demographic that likes video games is better characterized as being low status in society as a consequence of something else (being poor, lonely, impulsive, ...) than as being bad. Being bad is also low status. Low social status and badness often get incorrectly conflated. 


  10. Video games appeal to people without physical culture, and the largest group without physical culture is the group that has no culture, so video game discussion is dominated by the uncultured.
  11. People who play some games, perhaps Civilization, are good. People who play other games, perhaps Red Dead Redemption, are bad. There are many more bad people than good, so video games get a bad reputation based on the popular titles, the same way that television shows and films do. 


  12. Popular video games appeal to normal people, who are the regular amount of bad for humans, and also make them worse. Video games that make people better don't appeal to most people, because becoming better is costly.
  13. Video games are unpleasant for some, pleasant for others, and addicting but not pleasant for others still. People who play video games compulsively have a self-consistency incentive to believe that they like, rather than merely want, to play the games. People who find video games unpleasant just see other people doing unpleasant things, and assume that the players are addicted or like unpleasantness. Self-consistency incentives and theory-of-mind failures both contribute to a discourse which is unable to point to people with normal morals who actually find video games pleasant. The more people talk about video games, the less healthy will video games seem to people who don't play.
  14. Video games are good, but they don't contribute to complex human flourishing. People who choose to pursue complex human flourishing instead of video games see others as having made a failure of moral judgement and see people who play more as going further down the wrong path.
  15. It is specifically players of multi-player video games with an option of strong anonymity who are bad because people behave worse behind anonymity. 


  16. Doing bad activities within video games is bad, even if it doesn't change your values - bad in a way that isn't captured by consequentialism - and people who are more insensitive to this are also more insensitive to other moral considerations.
  17. Video games and cartoons are fine for children, but adults who like them have an aesthetic faculty which is underdeveloped, and this is upstream of being bad in other parts of life.
  18. Video games are good. People who like video games are good. Preinfarction is bad, except when he indulges in the occasional video game. Everything he thinks is wrong. His utility function has a minus sign where it should have a plus sign. He is the closest thing we have to Satan in this world.
  19. Video games appeal to people in pain, and being in pain is upstream of not having the energy to be good. 


  20. Some video games are bad, and they appeal to everyone, and good people are better at disengaging: Some video games are addicting supernormal stimuli made by an industry looking to exploit quirks in your reward system for profit. People who have experienced games like these and then not disengaged might have poor self-control, poor self-awareness, a weak memetic immune system, or limited concern for their mental autonomy and well being. None of these traits do we associate with health and good judgement and righteousness. They're bad traits. Not necessarily traits of bad people, but still bad traits. 


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